wesbran: Ithaa Undersea Restaurant
wesbran: Ithaa Undersea Restaurant
thoorcedric: Cafe Rainforest
baozhenhong: IMG_6313
Kyle Pellet / Pellet Factory: Kartik Gift Company Ad
Trix-Pix: Power
St. Burke: Screenshot from video Green River
St. Burke: Screenshot from Greasy King Channel video Green River
St. Burke: American people
St. Burke: American people
St. Burke: the president addresses the American people
St. Burke: An American Exception, Zadie Smith
St. Burke: Found
St. Burke: Undone 5 (at a very early age you see you are a monster: you must kill and devour living things in order to survive; the story of your psyche then becomes the story of how you, an inherently empathic being, cope with your own monstrosity)
tahewitt: STEMinine
fxnc: Round And Round
fxnc: Such Great Heights
mz.arsenaux: IMG_20210317_0007
Anna Deneau: The Face of Another, Dir. Hiroshi Teshigahara (1966)