Maria Yu: dreamy forest at sunset
Maria Yu: it's real "gipsy summer"
Maria Yu: the family before the big journey
Maria Yu: days are still warm and beautiful
Maria Yu: some fly, some follow...
Maria Yu: only minutes after sun rised and it's already hot
Maria Yu: coreopsis in my garden
Maria Yu: marigolds in my garden
Maria Yu: zinnia in my garden
Maria Yu: fucsia in my garden
Maria Yu: diascia in my garden
Maria Yu: two flower pots: cat flower and lobelia
Maria Yu: Mechka is her name
Maria Yu: under the marigold
Maria Yu: and it is green everywhere
Maria Yu: and the sky is blue again...
Maria Yu: wind brought a single poppy in the garden
Maria Yu: time for lunch in the garden
Maria Yu: time for gardening
Maria Yu: shiny morning
Maria Yu: poppy and poppy bud against a concrete wall
Maria Yu: Punica Granatum
Maria Yu: curves
Maria Yu: absence
Maria Yu: floating clouds
Maria Yu: stand alone
Maria Yu: glowing
Maria Yu: low sun
Maria Yu: endless view
Maria Yu: one cloudy morning...