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The sparrows in our garden have much to talk about...
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Our robin that each winter visits our garden, is back
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Small copper (Lycaena phlaeas) on Eupatorium
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The heather in an autumnal atmosphere
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Small turtoiseshell butterfly (aglais urtica)
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Peacockbutterfly (aglais io)
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Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum)
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The sparrows in our garden know what to do with our sunflowers.....
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Silver-washed fritillary (male) on thistle
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Ants on Telekia Speciosa
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Mother Egyptian goose give her goslings shelter from the rain....
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Mother sparrow feeds aphids to her offspring
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A corner in my garden.....
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A corner in my garden...
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Cheerfull winterrose
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Romantic winterrose
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Stillife with pommegranates and a jug I once got from my grandma
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A corner in my garden
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Lazy peacock
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feeding the sparrows
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To come close to an orchid is like a journey in space
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Farewell to winter
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A colored pencil drawing of a peacock butterfly
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the sparrows do not know that we had intended the sunflower seeds for the tomtits
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Different shapes and colors of Sunflowers
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Lestes Barbarus, Shy Emerald Damselfly
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Volucella zonaria, hornet mimic hoverfly, Stadsreus
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Iris in watercolor
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Anemone coronaria A colored pencil drawing