rettgrayson: tree mixed media piece with crochet fringe
drosostalitsa: elephant
BlytheCon Europe ~ 2017 Málaga: Erregiro - Last day in BCN
erregiro: Family day, with my sisters
erregiro: My nieces and nephews
eclectic gipsyland: Plaid Kaleidoscope mon premier modèle pour Marie CLaire Idées
Schepotkina: Изображение 156
Schepotkina: IMG_1303
drosostalitsa: copper swirl
erregiro: Sweet dreams...
Louise Goodchild: BLuebell Wood
mamaquehaces: BROCHE MUÑECA LILA
Blythemaniaco: Natural Engendro
erregiro: Miss Wolf
Blythemaniaco: The red dress
Blythemaniaco: Glam Engendro
rettgrayson: crochet water bottle carrier
rettgrayson: greeting card and envelope
rettgrayson: Babette-ish cushion no. 2
kricsár: Kétoldalú
Voleybeach: Atardecer en Cazalla
erregiro: Chio's New Face
drosostalitsa: Tree of Life
Blythemaniaco: Engendro Galáctico
Veva ♥: Tuto pulsera soutache
mar romero: Pendientes a juego
mar romero: Pendientes lila