Madge123: Growing up fast...
Madge123: My luv...
Madge123: My Nilo
Madge123: Eyes only for you....
Madge123: Crepe Myrtle
Madge123: Who me??
Madge123: Lil Bit
Madge123: my sweet guy...
Madge123: 'Lil Bit'
Madge123: Ohummmmmm...
Madge123: Nilo
Madge123: glow...
Madge123: Spring is here!
Madge123: He makes me laugh everyday! ;)
Madge123: My best friend!
Madge123: My big stick or my Hol-ee Roller? What's a Lab to do?? Decisions, decisions!
Madge123: Kongs just never get 'old'...zzzzz
Madge123: ....where's Nilo???.....
Madge123: What are you looking at Mom? Snow? There's no snow on my nose...psst!
Madge123: Nilo loving the snow!
Madge123: SNOW!
Madge123: Whoo, Aunt Pip gave me the best present!
Madge123: Taking a break...
Madge123: One Special Assistance Dog who has my heart!
Madge123: JollyBall is worn out....see?
Madge123: Memories
Madge123: Glow of our Angel
Madge123: That's my guy! I fall in love with him more each day...;)
Madge123: ...My angel would "say"... Mom is that a 'cookie' behind your back??
Madge123: NILO? Why are you taking Cindylou's side of the bench?