mare22: DSC_0110a
mare22: DSC_0136a
mare22: DSC_0098a
mare22: DSC_0125a
mare22: DSC_0118a
mare22: DSC_0102a
mare22: car2
mare22: j.
mare22: thermometer - the coldest it gets in barcelona is -5
mare22: jesus, maria & joseph via mcdonalds.
mare22: DSC_0126a
mare22: amen.
mare22: right on.
mare22: glowing jesus!
mare22: and what is the truth?
mare22: a 2 men.
mare22: above
mare22: jesus
mare22: pondering
mare22: door
mare22: spider
mare22: the star in the sky
mare22: tilted
mare22: tilted blue
mare22: paper house
mare22: inside sagrada familia
mare22: Inside the submarine.
mare22: oooooohh... colors!!!
mare22: Inside the submarine.
mare22: Grumpy fish.