MarcusTeee: Reindeer
MarcusTeee: The lone wolf dies but the pack survives
MarcusTeee: Caribou
MarcusTeee: Arctic Fox
MarcusTeee: Up close & personal
MarcusTeee: Silhouette
MarcusTeee: Sunset at Venice Beach
MarcusTeee: Urban Lights Display
MarcusTeee: Dow's Lake
MarcusTeee: The Locks
MarcusTeee: Gatineau Park
MarcusTeee: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
MarcusTeee: Toronto
MarcusTeee: Life is a mirror that reflects to the thinker what he thinks into it - Ernest Holmes
MarcusTeee: The universe is built on a plan the profound symmetry of which is somehow present in the inner structure of our intellect - Paul Valery
MarcusTeee: Spring adds new life and beauty to all that is - Jessica Harrelson
MarcusTeee: An investment in knowledge pays the best interest - Benjamin Franklin
MarcusTeee: 🌸 Cherry Blossom in Toronto 🌸
MarcusTeee: The Lonely One
MarcusTeee: The Hill
MarcusTeee: Tew's Falls, Ontario
MarcusTeee: Washed ashore
MarcusTeee: The Window of Opportunity
MarcusTeee: From the skies
MarcusTeee: Feeling the Burns
MarcusTeee: Life goes on
MarcusTeee: Closed for the night
MarcusTeee: Ralph M. Medjuck Building, Dalhousie University
MarcusTeee: Only time will tell
MarcusTeee: Old Town Clock