PonchoAlarcon: Transito de Venus
www.fotobuzon.com.mx: José Luís Fajardo Escoffíe
bolotbootur: -51C in Yakutsk, Yakutia, Siberia / Russia
www.juliadavilalampe.com: I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you.
{Die Flake und die Blumen}: {Outside, inside}
La Gab: Where's My Mom?
gabojor: Crocodile
gabojor: Empty Streets
fab_ian: El Monterrey de Medio Dia
elplandeabajo: Flensburger
PonchoAlarcon: To a true Master: John Arie Rook
PedroDamião: amanhã vai estar sol outra vez
jvcluis: La Huasteca
nesterens: 07360018
Drogdon: Ojos azules
www.juliadavilalampe.com: “It is never too late to have a happy childhood”
Drogdon: En pos del buque fantasma
Natalia Oliva: =O (¡¡EXPLORE!!)
bolotbootur: A Yakut laika puppy is enjoying the last snow...
@!ex: Free Parking
gabojor: Daño Colateral
elplandeabajo: Drie op twee
polopony.com: Manolo Fernandez-Llorente and John-Paul Clarkin of Black Bears battle it out
--ecantu-- / Eduardo Cantu: Luna Lena 2011-04-18 --
arredomi: Bazar Mexico Lindo
Just Like Heaven': Entre el suelo y el cielo...
Hotu Matua: Exhalación
Alba Pérez Pereiro: Antitífica