Thomai Pavlidou***: DSC_1813.JPG
George L Smyth: Seamus And Friend
baris yonter: smaller than a prison cell
Guido Musch: Jewish Cemetery
baris yonter: nuts&dreams
Rui Palha: Glance
Chris Leithead: Derwent Reservoir Spillway
Rui Palha: The last passenger
ArTeTeTrA: Some lessons to learn Sanatorium im Wald
Rui Palha: Mr. X
baris yonter: Alexander Schwinck
Emmanuel Smague: Makhmur April 2006
rogerale: Foggy December
B&WPhotog: Sacramento Delta Bridge
telmo32: libeskind
B&WPhotog: Waking up out of the Dream
alfredo hisa: gari poser
Rui Palha: Simple People #15
Rui Palha: Street music
Rui Palha: Life
loose_grip_99: Waterloo London 9th December 2008