Arthur IV: Pôr-do-sol em Pinheiros. #walkinround #Sampa #landscape #sunset
Arthur IV: Variações sobre o mesmo tema. Na casa, cerveja da casa. #beer #realbeer #cerveja #cervejadeverdade #colors #magenta #yellow
Arthur IV: Meu chefe deixa. #almoco #cerveja #lunch #beer
Arthur IV: Fradique Coutinho #Station. #Brazil #Brasil #SP #SaoPaulo #Sampa #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Colors, #patterns and #textures.
Arthur IV: #Dusk. Avenida 23 de Maio. #Brazil #Brasil #SP #SaoPaulo #Sampa #walkinround #landscape #places
Arthur IV: Above the clouds. Sampa's highest TV tower. #Brazil #Brasil #SP #SaoPaulo #Sampa #walkinround #landscape #places
Arthur IV: Aqui é #Galo! #FamiliaUnida
Arthur IV: Negativo do #Mickey.
Arthur IV: #Colorful is the new black. #meal #food #instafood #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: United #colors of @torta_no_quintal. #meal #food #instafood #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: Saúvas com espuma de mandioquinha. Gosto de capim-limão. #exotic #food #ants
Arthur IV: #Colors of #Volkswagen. And real beer. #ComidaDeRua #CervejaDeVerdade #Inconfidentes #Vinil #Grimor #Jambreiro #RealBeer #blue #red #Kombi #StreetFood
Arthur IV: #Colors @ #BecoDoBatman. #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: Encontrei a luz. #cerveja #cervejadeverdade #beer #realbeer #deus
Arthur IV: #Caeté. #Brazil #Brasil #MG #MinasGerais #Minas #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Colors and #coffee. #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: Just a matter of #focus. #margarita #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Margarita. #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Window. #Brazil #Brasil #DF #Brasília #BSB #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Window. #Brazil #Brasil #DF #Brasília #BSB #walkinround #landscape #places
Arthur IV: The little big S2 house. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Paraty #walkinround #landscape #places
Arthur IV: #Yelow. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Paraty #walkinround #landscape #places
Arthur IV: #Boats by #night. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Rio #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: Jabaquara #beach. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Paraty #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Shells. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Paraty #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: #Mud filled with #life. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Paraty #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: Just #nature. #Brazil #Brasil #RJ #RioDeJaneiro #Paraty #walkinround #landscape #places #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor
Arthur IV: E o singelo "acompanhamento". #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor #meal #food #instafood
Arthur IV: Diliça de amora com limão. #noeffects #nofilter #truecolor