Meriwether Cycles: Business casual Friday
Deano T: mountains, bike
Pioneer Valley Frameworks: Tire clearance check before welding... then check again ------- ( #mtb #mountainbike #midfat #650bplus #yoke #usmade #metalfab #fabrication #design #machining #welding #tig #tigweld #custombike )
Pioneer Valley Frameworks: Sunset ride #happytrails #sunsetride
Alliance Bicycles: Almost Friday: stainless road heading to paint, 29er short travel fully ready for parts, 29er mid travel welded
Pioneer Valley Frameworks: This 29er needed a good deal of strength in the upper portion of the seat tube, but a full 1.25" diameter seat tube would be a bit overkill for this rider, so I made this special lug: strength in all the right places, saves some weight and looks rad :sung
44 Bikes: Let's add a Dimple
Pioneer Valley Frameworks: Friday metal melt
Shark CR Photo: Evening over the Moscow City
mat738: Temporale sulla Sacra di San Michele 3
Laura Rowan: Angel in the snow
kris et julie: Julie racing design
bikinbobs: IMG_0861
J.Muir from Santa Cruz: Ibis CS replacement
guidedbybicycle: Cracked Seat Tube
rhizopogon: cracked seat tube. cracked almost the whole way around
turbulentflow: aluminum crack
SWoo: headtube #2
ehud4242: cimg2754.jpg
hr.icio: dscn3228