marcialc: #snowrun
marcialc: We are only visitors on this land. #terracivitas
marcialc: Snow glorious snow. Just not enough (yet) for sledding. #winterwonderland
marcialc: Tis the season for local toy stores. @Pufferbellies always wows.
marcialc: Who me?
marcialc: Morning making graham cracker houses with our homeschool coop.
marcialc: Holiday lights & support of local troops rolled into one. #rurallivin
marcialc: As impressive a place as the reports I'd heard. #wellnessfirst
marcialc: April's photo of my silly face couldn't be improved. She knows lighting & made me feel so at ease!
marcialc: Noisiest plane ever. Almost home though. #CHO
marcialc: I haven't speed dated but suspect (fear) it must be like this. With more leg tho. #analystinsights
marcialc: Having fun being stuffed into locker. #schooldaze
marcialc: Photo
marcialc: Pear salad. #Ah
marcialc: Disc golf beauty shot. #sweet
marcialc: Beautiful place (and day) for a picnic. #loveVA
marcialc: Of the gods. #meads
marcialc: Our last market visit this year. Enjoying Joe's terrific brats.
marcialc: Enjoying a gorgeous day downtown, visiting @georgebowers
marcialc: Is @KatieMcCaskey @urbanescapee filming the long awaited @GeorgeBowers commercial? Inquiring minds want to know!
marcialc: Big turnout to vote in my swingstate small town.
marcialc: Sparkles and Sweets tonight downtown in @staunton
marcialc: I need to remember this costume for next year. #my13yoself
marcialc: Halloween party where 3 of 4 boys are ninjas. #silentbutdeadly
marcialc: There's a working outlet under my seat! #airportlove #littletechthings
marcialc: Farewell Vegas. See you again next year during big conference season. #ibmIOD always a great event.
marcialc: OneRepublic playing over all the Boomers asking "have you ever heard this song before?" to one another. #AllMySecrets
marcialc: Barenaked Ladies having fun at #ibmIOD! Band's even making Thinkpad nub jokes. #techhumor
marcialc: Wonderful dinner. Fascinating scenery. #acornsinthesky
marcialc: This could be the mantra of us all! #thinkBIG #ibmIOD