giuseppedr: Steamy atmosphere
barbera*: lllllllllllllllllllines
WilliamBullimore: Loch Ard Gorge(1)(1)
tanvir_flickr: My new best friend
paolamou: rosa bianca
paolamou: piave
rita vita finzi: "Bur Soft, what light through yonder window breaks?" - Romeo & Juliet
Dreamzzzz....: "Let the beauty we love be what we do"
Nomadic Vision Photography: Igoda - South Africa: Fury
Katarina 2353: ...Over seven hills and seven valleys..:)
diesmali: Nowhere Left To Go
Dreamzzzz....: “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”
alexjlockwood: Daydream
Enrico P.: Ponte Umberto I
Ziębol: The Holocaust Memorial, Berlin
Darwin Bell: Flourescent Family Values
Isco72: La promenade ...
.:grana:.: We are All Photographers
giuliomeinardi: Smoke Project
Ralf Wendrich: Titanic
rita vita finzi: because the night
sediama (break): Greek colours in Germany
sediama (break): sunny days
RCastro: a-lining...
Ola55: Ombre di neve - Snow shadows
giuseppedr: Journey through the past (traces of ancient life in the Colorado Plateau)-"Newspaper Rock"