Ciudadano Poeta:
Nancy Goodenough:
Web Jewel - backlit for only a couple minutes
Nancy Goodenough:
Female Western Pondhawk
Nancy Goodenough:
"Don't look! I'm molting!!" - Steller's Jay looks rather indignant with all the feathers askew.
Nancy Goodenough:
Spawning Kokanee Salmon frantically fleeing a male Mallard
Nancy Goodenough:
The Pensive Peacock
Nancy Goodenough:
Nancy Goodenough:
Man in a Paper Mache Mask at Folsom Street Fair
Nancy Goodenough:
"Stepping Out" - East African Grey Crowned Crane
Nancy Goodenough:
My Leaf
Melissa Kung:
美麗雪白的牠 Snowy Plover ( 08 / 03 / 15 #18--> #23)
Simon Sautner:
Donkey B&W — Explore #4
Nancy Goodenough:
The Ladies getting ready for New Year celebrations