Marc Coles-Ritchie: Meanding stream with abundant willows
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Rabbitbrush and a confluence in background
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Confluence
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Meanding stream with abundant willows
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Meanding stream with abundant willows
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Beaver-cut aspen
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Aspen recruitment and beaver cuts
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Post-fire aspen regeneration on hillside above stream
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Beaver dams; healthy riparian area
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Sheep droppings and trail to stream
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Sheep droppings and houndstongue (invasive plant)
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Musk thistle and houndstongue (invasive plants)
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Sheep droppings (fresh that day)
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Sheep trail to stream
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Riparian area with abundant willows, and sheep
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Snow in spring
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Willows before leafing out in spring
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Upstream view from footbridge in spring (compare to next photo)
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Upstream view from footbridge in late summer (compare to previous photo)
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Downstream view from footbridge in spring (compare to next photo)
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Downstream view from footbridge in late summer (compare to previous photo)