Marc Coles-Ritchie: Deer enjoying post-fire recovery
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Unburned patch (live trees on left) that will not be mechanically treated
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Unburned patch (live trees) that will not be mechanically treated
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Looking down the Red Breaks which will not be chained
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Just chained to incorporate seed into soil
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Just chained to incorporate seed into soil.
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Chaining equipment
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Foreground just chained to incorporate seed into soil
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Foreground just chained to incorporate seed into soil
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Seed on ground of burn, dropped from plane
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Unburned area (left) that will not be mechanically treated
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Unburned area (foreground) that will not be mechanically treated
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Grass growing after fire; in December!
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Wash along Skutumpah Road with abundant willow and tamarisk
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Wash along Skutumpah Road with abundant willow and tamarisk
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Wash along Skutumpah Road with abundant willow
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Wildflowers growing post-fire, in December!
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Grass along a wash in burned area, growing in December!
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Roots across a wash, acting as small check dams
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Wash along Skutumpah Road with abundant willow and tamarisk
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Wash along Skutumpah Road with abundant willow
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Escalante River
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Heuchera rubescens (pink alumroot) and moss on cliff
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Pinus sp. (pine) roots?
Marc Coles-Ritchie: Sclerocactus parviflorus (smallflower fishhook cactus)