marble_5: What show's start from now?(今からどんなショーが始まるの?)
marble_5: Three peeping Tom(三匹のノゾキ屋)
marble_5: She had dried the wet fur(濡れた毛皮を干していた)
marble_5: _DSC3052_D300s_Marble5
marble_5: _DSC3621_D300s_Marble5
marble_5: BABAN BA BAN BAN BAN♪(いい湯だな♪)
marble_5: Triangle(トライアングル)
marble_5: Sleep in smug face(ドヤ顔で眠ってる)
marble_5: Trance(トランス)
marble_5: The excited face(興奮した顔)
marble_5: She likes fresh water. (汲みたてが好き)
marble_5: Cute old man(かわいいおっさんども)
marble_5: The pad(肉球)
marble_5: Kyahho(きゃっほーーー!)
marble_5: Brown cat filter ON(茶猫フィルターオン)
marble_5: Sometimes leave it to me!(たまには任せろ!)
marble_5: A kind intention (親切なつもり)
marble_5: 元気よく爆睡
marble_5: Bewilderment(困惑)
marble_5: Turn to this side!(こっちを向いて!)
marble_5: Goggle-eye(どんぐり眼)
marble_5: 大阪告知用(に使った写真)
marble_5: ネコバカ・わっしょい♪わっしょい告知(に使った写真)
marble_5: The shining hand (光る手)
marble_5: Two persons are 17 years old.(ふたりは17才)
marble_5: The face under disheveled hair repair(髪の乱れを直している時の顔)
marble_5: The princess of the night with a full moon who sings eagerly (十五姫の熱唱
marble_5: Storage tank
marble_5: 火気厳禁・構内禁煙(Fire strict prohibition, yard smoking cessation)
marble_5: Light of the orange