** Maurice **: Riding like the wind take 2
** Maurice **: Riding like the wind
** Maurice **: Ripples
** Maurice **: No sailing today :-(
** Maurice **: A view from a hill in northern France
** Maurice **: My sunshine
** Maurice **: Nelson's Column on Trafalgar Square
** Maurice **: Going home
** Maurice **: Horse Guards, London
** Maurice **: Trafalgar square
** Maurice **: The white cliffs of cap Griz Nez
** Maurice **: Windswept
** Maurice **: Gras & sky
** Maurice **: Ripples on the beach
** Maurice **: Sunflower
** Maurice **: The National Gallery on Trafalgar square
** Maurice **: Stop!
** Maurice **: Shooting the parliament
** Maurice **: No planes today
** Maurice **: The British Parliament and Big Ben
** Maurice **: Danube bridge
** Maurice **: Esztergom cathedral
** Maurice **: London eye
** Maurice **: Tree of Life, Budapest
** Maurice **: Budapest
** Maurice **: Rosengarten, Dolomites
ubysideHi,i'mstillalive;): Drinking an espresso, lost in the thoughts
** Maurice **: Garbage