Earl Reinink: A personal opinion...
Earl Reinink: Eastern Red Fox
Eric Gofreed: Cooper's Hawk-04763-Edit
mnolen2: Sunrise
jvverde: Brown Emutail // Felosa-castanha-de-madagáscar
Earl Reinink: In and out..
Earl Reinink: Kestrel
Earl Reinink: Singing Junco
Chris B@rlow: Dawn with the Tits
SharifUddin59: Black-bellied Thorntail (Discosura langsdorffi) (sp. # 479)
Eric Gofreed: Silvereyes
jasonmoore151: Elephants - Chobe
Whistletown Wilds Thanks for two million views: SL3L9625-Yellow-Throated Vireo
Daniel Sziklai G.: Zopilote Real. Sarcoramphus papa. King Vulture
backyardzoo: Snowy Egret
LawrenceNeo: Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus) @ Di Linh, Vietnam_20230221_DSC7593
LawrenceNeo: Greater Racket-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus) @ Di Linh, Vietnam_20230221_DSC7989
Gord Sawyer: Hummingbird & Bald Faced Hornet
Chris B@rlow: Brahimny Starling- Sturnia pagodarum
Chris B@rlow: Red-vented Bulbul - Pycnonotus cafer
Earl Reinink: Blue-winged Teal
Earl Reinink: Buzz off dude..
Earl Reinink: "Buzz off dude..."
Earl Reinink: Greet the morning..
backyardzoo: Yellow-crowned Night Heron Mating Display - The Full Monty
mnolen2: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
IsaacCSanchez: Bronzy Inca
birdsaspoetry: Black-shouldered Kite: The Three