crudelia: Happy dad... Arrivederci
crudelia: Internetland aka SF
crudelia: Lots of untitled details
crudelia: Untitled detail
crudelia: upload
crudelia: On the way to the #hotsprings #joshuatree
crudelia: Pre holiday drink
crudelia: Sunday#5 The city
crudelia: Sunday#4 the bridge
crudelia: Sunday#3 sun+ocean
crudelia: Sunday#2 food
crudelia: Sunday#1 time
crudelia: When you look for something and find soothing else... I found 3 very old fortune cookie messages that I saved with care...I guess I'll save them again for another nice treasure hunt
crudelia: New buddy arrived home safe and sound
crudelia: Silver #bikes!! #Sunnyvale Murphy Street
crudelia: Time for detox
crudelia: Saturday morning #hangover #NY #beingStupid
crudelia: #5dayschallenge Day3 NY
crudelia: upload
crudelia: Holiday begin #CaltrainBeer
crudelia: #5dayschallenge Day2!
crudelia: Saija challenge accepted! #5daysChallenge - day1
crudelia: Someone got a package, happy day!!! #posteitaliane in San Francisco
crudelia: Giraffa Man
crudelia: The big wheel Giraffe and zebra
crudelia: image
crudelia: Easter treat!!
crudelia: image
crudelia: image
crudelia: image