auredeso: 🇭🇺 Budapest
BerColly: Le tichodrome | Wallcreeper
Luko GR: Favorinus feeding on eggs
Sylvie Gilson: Petit tour sur l'île d'Aix
BerColly: Saint-Nectaire
philippeoros: Guêpier d'Europe
RB@photography: Snowy Egret putting on the brakes!
Karsten Gieselmann: Wishing on a falling star
philippeoros: Echasse blanche (please zoom in)
BerColly: Le cormoran
philippeoros: Ibis Falcinelle
philippeoros: Martin Pêcheur d''Europe
philippeoros: Martin Pêcheur d'Europe
jordi benitez -Mikan-: JBC_9817.jpg
hervétherry: Bonne pêche
herbraab: Partial Lunar Eclipse 2023-10-28
Gwenael Blk: Lever de Lune sur duo parisien
reinaroundtheglobe: Tetris 2023 | Hong Kong
kimng2: The predator became the prey
kimng2: Morning Breakfast
- ArnO -: Nice Place Masséna - Tram fantôme en approche
Stephen Marcus: Sunset at Sawmillers Reserve
Giloustrat: Playing with food is bad
JLS@Photos: Grey Herons in a nest, Hérons cendrés dans un nid
AndreaPucci: Shiny riverside (Tower Bridge, London, United Kingdom)
Pig Pang: Paris
B Crowe1: The Falls, Ennistimon
BerColly: Grèbe huppé | Podiceps cristatus | Great Crested Grebe