bernard.ottevaere1: jonquilles du jardin
florence.richerataux: 7artisans-55mm f/1.4
look to see: Levensvreugde.
michel.maillier: Anémone hépatique
bernard.ottevaere1: jonquilles
Ryan Dyar: Fjordlands
look to see: This is not a pease dove.
Joe Effendi (Always Late!): "Peace, Love and Good Happiness Stuff..."
martinritter1: Model 060721-52
Pawel Wietecha: Wake me up when it's all over
look to see: Weidebeekjuffer in hemels decor.
Pawel Wietecha: I'd like to stay young forever
Nicole Barge: Coquelicot0924-2021-V2
Ryan Dyar: Landing
Ryan Dyar: Balancing
bernard.ottevaere1: echiquier ibérique,melanargia lachesis
florence.richerataux: HELIOS-40-2 85mm f/1.5
nilllap: Poppy
Pawel Wietecha: I didn't know I was lost
martinritter1: Model 060721-3a
look to see: Zwervende pantserjuffer in warm avondlicht.(Lestes barbarus)
Ryan Dyar: Charging
look to see: Glassnijder (Brachytron pratense)
Nicole Barge: Élégante envahisseuse
JaaniicB: Know-it-all
look to see: Zuidelijke glazenmaker (Aeshna affinis)
florence.richerataux: Trioplan-100mm f/2.8