Wei, Willa: Iceland Highlands
danjh75: KitKat
Stanislav Nikulich: Sunset in the north shore of Cape Cod
Stanislav Nikulich: Caribbean sand shore
Stanislav Nikulich: Lake Champlain
www.nbfotos.de: Berlin - Spreekanal
www.nbfotos.de: Berlin - Spittelkolonnaden auf dem Dönhoffplatz
www.nbfotos.de: Berlin - Spittelkolonnaden auf dem Dönhoffplatz
G. Lefebvre: Prendre le large
Antonio Según: Atardecer en el astillero
G. Lefebvre: Port de Saint-Malo (2)
lilsin_805: Super blood wolf moon
lilsin_805: Super blood wolf moon
ktaylor705: _DSC0062.jpg
antoinebouyer: Coucher de soleil
VitorJK: Golden Hour 181222 - N1137
VitorJK: Golden Hour 181223 - N1197
VitorJK: Praia de Santa Cruz - N3495
Antonio Según: Paseando por la orilla
G. Lefebvre: Plage de Cruit Island (Donegal)
G. Lefebvre: Sur la route, en Bourgogne
bjsowers1977: There is truly a person out there, that has the ability to unlock your heart, they won’t define a memory as a reflection of their past; no, rather, as a key to their future...
Kristina Ruhnke: Vestrahorn reflection
Kristina Ruhnke: Höfn peaceful morning