manueladaniel: A mistake in evolution
manueladaniel: The white gull
manueladaniel: resting seagull
manueladaniel: „no photos please…“
manueladaniel: real love
manueladaniel: Emily and Theo
manueladaniel: playing fighting
manueladaniel: Theo’s going to get crazy when playing in the snow, especially when catching snow balls
manueladaniel: Such a beautiful day…
manueladaniel: The tail
manueladaniel: My happy dogs in the snow
manueladaniel: Eyes of the tiger
manueladaniel: Just sitting here …
manueladaniel: Living on the street
manueladaniel: The way out
manueladaniel: a part of something
manueladaniel: Red feed
manueladaniel: The Mops
manueladaniel: Paws and legs
manueladaniel: The dachshund in the city
manueladaniel: howling at the moon
manueladaniel: Kommunikation without words
manueladaniel: Me, I’m not curious
manueladaniel: This girl is on fire
manueladaniel: I am not a fighting dog, I love playing with balls
manueladaniel: Who find the cat ?