Chαch: Pinocchio
brian.gratwicke: Dendrobates auratus (white morph)
Oliver J Davis Photography (ollygringo): Mont Blanc Massif and Chamonix
Fany#44: Bordeaux
Joel Robison: Opening Pages To The Past
khanusiak: Ominous Cloud
nickybay: Derbid planthopper (Derbidae) - DSC_1561
Steve Reekie: Cloud Forest ~ Barrytown, West Coast, New Zealand
michel.villette: 12192106_+
aleq1463: Bees are staring at me ... is that I do not bother to work it ...?蜜蜂正瞪著我…,是我打擾到它的工作嗎…?P1840332
nickybay: Gecko (Gehyra mutilata) preying on big-jawed spider (Tetragnatha sp.) - DSC_7183
michel.villette: Destroyed today 5
Joel Robison: Life Spans
Retlaw Snellac Photography: kenia-tanzania - tribes and wildlife
Steve Reekie: Ancient Forests, West Coast Wetland
Joel Robison: A New Kind Of Love
nickybay: Wandering spider (Bowie sp.) with biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) - DSC_6657
nickybay: Arctiine moth pupa (Cyana sp.) - DSC_6701