R I C E ❀: c h u ~ ❤
BaileyRosee: Minifee Woosoo
Cynthia in Flint Hills: Tibbie (DSD Vanessa) in her new Lovesprung dress
VanilleNell: Dolpa in LA 4
beamlette: Volks Dear SD compared to slim MSDs...
nataliecervantes09: Arrival of DearSD SwD Chiyo
LitaChan01: Bimong Narae N416
LitaChan01: Bimong Narae416
yasmin_bjd: Bimong Narae 610
LitaChan01: Bimong Narae 410
LitaChan01: Bimong Narea N402
LitaChan01: Bimong Narae N404
matahata: Bimong Narae 416 ver2 3
bentwhisker: Eyestrain
Dolls Garden: 20210712_152929
bitterfoxarchive: Volks Michele
bitterfoxarchive: Volks Michele
bitterfoxarchive: Volks Michele
lilleWilliam: Volks Michele arrival
lilleWilliam: Volks Michele arrival
PoMU*47: POM_2723
PoMU*47: POM_2729
Anlegy: Ozma in DearSD (?)
Sam's Bits and Pieces: Volks Michele- Haven't got a name for her as I am still getting used to her...
princeyiu: MSD Girls