manga_mom: On the road P1080599
manga_mom: Wildflowers at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge P1080600
manga_mom: P1080603
manga_mom: South of Albuquerque on I-25 P1060009
manga_mom: Road to Emory Pass P1060010
manga_mom: Emory Pass, Black Range DSC_0238
manga_mom: Emory Pass, Black Range P1060012
manga_mom: Emory Pass, Black Range DSC_0239
manga_mom: Emory Pass, Black Range DSC_0240
manga_mom: Memorial to Heath DSC_0241
manga_mom: Georgia O'Keeffe Room IMG_0831
manga_mom: Celebrating our anniversary IMG_0840
manga_mom: P1080604
manga_mom: P1080608
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings P1060013
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings P1060014
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings P1060015
manga_mom: Thistle Blooming DSC_0243
manga_mom: P1060016
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings DSC_0244
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings DSC_0245
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings P1060018
manga_mom: Road to the Cliff Dwellings DSC_0248
manga_mom: Indian Paintbrush Penstemon DSC_0249
manga_mom: Clinton P. Anderson Overlook DSC_0250
manga_mom: DSC_0252
manga_mom: Gila Cliff Dwellings DSC_0255
manga_mom: Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument P1060020
manga_mom: Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument DSC_0257
manga_mom: Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument DSC_0258