manga_mom: 20240605-_DSC4865
manga_mom: Guadalupe shrine, Cerrillos
manga_mom: Milagro gate, Cerrillos, NM
manga_mom: Cerrillos Mural
manga_mom: Cherub in Madrid, NM
manga_mom: Gavin in Madrid in front of his house
manga_mom: Ramshackle House, Madrid, NM
manga_mom: 20240605-_DSC4902
manga_mom: Prickly pear blossom with bee
manga_mom: Prickly pear blossom
manga_mom: Coffee anyone?
manga_mom: Rusting metal
manga_mom: Artistic Fence, Cerrillos
manga_mom: Sunflower mural in Cerrillos
manga_mom: Cerrillos Torreon Residence
manga_mom: Linnea xerox scan 19664a
manga_mom: Linnea xerox scan 1966cr6
manga_mom: Linnea xerox scan 1966cr5
manga_mom: Linnea xerox scan 1966c2r
manga_mom: Linnea xerox scan 1966
manga_mom: Linnea w camera 1973
manga_mom: Peeping out, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-6.jpg
manga_mom: Almost invisible ant, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-18.jpg
manga_mom: Barry and other Marauders taking a break, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-17.jpg
manga_mom: Stained Glass Roses, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-16.jpg
manga_mom: Just peachy, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-15.jpg
manga_mom: Laura Marauding and Focusing, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-14.jpg
manga_mom: Swirls in the Japanese Garden Pond, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-13.jpg
manga_mom: Rose Canopy in Stained Glass, Albuquerque Botanical Garden-12.jpg
manga_mom: Red Bud Albuquerque Botanical Garden-10.jpg