manga_mom: Temple of Apollo, Selcuk
manga_mom: House of the Virgin Mary at Ephesus
manga_mom: Prayer wall, House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus
manga_mom: Prayer wall
manga_mom: Ionic column Ephesus
manga_mom: Column detail
manga_mom: Bulls heads, Ephesus theater
manga_mom: Arch
manga_mom: Arch 2
manga_mom: Carvings
manga_mom: Marble walkway
manga_mom: Library and marble road Ephesus
manga_mom: Column Ephesus
manga_mom: Duck mosaic
manga_mom: Cat at Ephesus
manga_mom: Linnea and Kent in front of Library of Celsius, Ephesus
manga_mom: Library of Celsius, Ephesus
manga_mom: Bas Relief
manga_mom: theater in Ehesus, were Saint Paul preached
manga_mom: theater
manga_mom: Storm near Izmir
manga_mom: Chilly and wet at Pergamon