Mani_H.: Touchdown at the horizon
Mani_H.: Rain drops / Regentropfen
Mani_H.: Rosa Rugosa with visitor / Sylter Rose hat Besuch
Mani_H.: Hochwasser an der Lippe / Flood at the river Lippe
Mani_H.: Wilde Ratte auf einem Ast / Wild rat on a branch
Mani_H.: Haubentaucher / Great crested grebe on the river Lippe
Mani_H.: Big Nutria sitting on a meadow near the river Lippe
Mani_H.: Fallow deer in an enclosure / Damwild im Wildgehege
Mani_H.: Maisernte beendet / Corn harvest finished
Mani_H.: Intertillage / Zwischenfruchtkultur
Mani_H.: Trees in the November Fog / Bäume im Novembernebel
Mani_H.: Walking with grey daylight / Spaziergang in grauem Tageslicht
Mani_H.: Autumn impressions / Herbstliche Impressionen
Mani_H.: A misty day / ein nebeliger Tag
Mani_H.: Mistel / mistletoe
Mani_H.: Tidal creek and mussel bed in the German Wadden Sea between Cuxhaven-Sahlenburg (at the horizon) and Neuwerk island
Mani_H.: Marker of the way across the German Wadden Sea from Cuxhaven (at the horizon) to Neuwerk island
Mani_H.: Have a good journey on all the seas!
Mani_H.: On a world tour? Or a Europe cruise? Nobody knows but those passengers on the river Elbe do, and they have a last view on Germany at this point. / Weltreise oder Europareise? Ein letzter Sichtkontakt mit Deutschland auf der Elbe an der Kugelbake.
Mani_H.: The rock-fill dam protecting the river Elbe waterway against the wadden sea sediments.
Mani_H.: On collision course?
Mani_H.: The location of the Cuxhaven Surf School at Doese.
Mani_H.: The faster great one passes the little slower one on ...
Mani_H.: Windmill "Bock" type at Dornum, East Frisia (Germany)
Mani_H.: Access to an east frisian castle / Zufahrt zu einem ostfriesischen Schloss in Dornum
Mani_H.: Wadden Sea Stakes / Pfähle im Wattenmeer
Mani_H.: Auf dem Trockenen / Fallen dry at low water
Mani_H.: Old town of Leer (East Frisia) at wintertime
Mani_H.: Advent season in Leer (Frisia Orientalis)
Mani_H.: The townhall tower and the old weighing house during advent time with X-Mas market