Mani_H.: Big swarm of birds, obviously starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
Mani_H.: Big swarm of birds, obviously starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
Mani_H.: Deer at the base of the sea dyke at Cuxhaven-Duhnen (North Sea / River Elbe)
Mani_H.: Roebuck is marking his territory!
Mani_H.: A small group (a family?) of deer looking for clover at the base of the sea dyke near Cuxhaven Duhnen.
Mani_H.: Heathland maintenance under control of a wild Wisent family (Bison bonasus)
Mani_H.: Wild living male Wisent (Bison bonasus) in the coastal heathlands near Cuxhaven (North Sea, Germany)
Mani_H.: Wild living Wisents (Bison bonasus) in the coastal heathlands near Cuxhaven (North Sea, Germany)
Mani_H.: Cumulonimbus/Thundercloud
Mani_H.: Cumulonimbus/Thundercloud B & W
Mani_H.: Shelducks (Tadorna tadorna) at the edge of the salt marsh wetlands near Cuxhaven Duhnen
Mani_H.: Ruddy turnstone just working foreign to the species as a "turnbladderwrack" :-)
Mani_H.: Ruddy turnstone just working foreign to the species as a "turnbladderwrack" :-)
Mani_H.: Ruddy Turnstone walking around in the bladderwrack
Mani_H.: Riding on the Wadden Sea ground - a popular leisure activity!
Mani_H.: The Pink Lady No. "ONE" on the outer River Elbe going to Hamburg harbour
Mani_H.: Freighter on the outer River Elbe in the wadden sea near Cuxhaven II
Mani_H.: Freighter on the outer River Elbe in the wadden sea near Cuxhaven I
Mani_H.: Barn swallows I (Hirundo rustica) chasing insects nearly below the surface of a dyke (distance about 85m).
Mani_H.: Barn swallows II (Hirundo rustica) chasing insects nearly below the surface of a dyke (distance was about 85m).
Mani_H.: "Dilbar"- a giant arrested motor yacht of a russian oligarch, is transported from Hamburg to Bremen supported by two tug boats at the nose and at the stern side.
Mani_H.: Higher high water / tide at the small harbour of Spieka-Neufeld (Germany, Lower Saxony)
Mani_H.: Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus, Kiebitz) at the thurm/foreland side near Spieka-Neufeld (Germany, North Sea coast of Lower Saxony)
Mani_H.: A reed belt in the wadden sea at the coast of Lower Saxony (Germany) near Spieka-Neufeld
Mani_H.: White Wagtail (Motacilla alba, Bachstelze) - a songbird on the dry ground of the wadden sea
Mani_H.: The way to nowhere ...
Mani_H.: Wisent youngsters galloping on the run
Mani_H.: European bison, Wisent (Bos bonasus)
Mani_H.: Dramatic sunset with dark clouds over the waddensea of the southern North Sea near Cuxhaven-Duhnen (Germany, Lower Saxony)
Mani_H.: Begging common black-headed gull