Mani_H.: Flowers for insects
Mani_H.: Hoverfly silhouette on the window glass - frozen stiff at 5°C on Easter Monday!
Mani_H.: A bumblebee is tasting Lavender.
Mani_H.: Lavender
Mani_H.: Blüte mit Mimikri-Fliege / Blossom with Mimikri visitor
Mani_H.: Fliegen haben einen süßen Zahn / Flies have a sweet tooth.
Mani_H.: Gemeine Stubenfliege / Common Housefly
Mani_H.: Raubfliege beim Frühstück / Predatory fly at breakfast
Mani_H.: Rosa Rugosa with visitor / Sylter Rose hat Besuch
Mani_H.: Rosa rugosa (Sylter Rose) with Asian Lady beetle
Mani_H.: Unknown insect (a mosquito?) at a withering hip in back light.
Mani_H.: Butterly (Iphiclides podalirius) / Schmetterling (Segelfalter)
Mani_H.: Gottesanbeterin / Praying Mantis
Mani_H.: Common (wild) mallow with visitor
Mani_H.: Front view of the head of a dragonfly
Mani_H.: Silhouette of a drangonfly against the sky.
Mani_H.: Traffic lights beautified with frost tinsel.
Mani_H.: Rose hip with insect
Mani_H.: Honey bee tasting the first nectar of just opened lavender blossums.
Mani_H.: Honey bee tasting the first nectar of just opened lavender blossums.
Mani_H.: Bumblebee (Bombus) in the lavender woods
Mani_H.: Heavy air traffic in the chaos of the lavender woods: Flying bumblebee (bombus)
Mani_H.: Bumblebee captured with a non-makro tele lens to get closer to the object
Mani_H.: A bumblebee is sucking nectar at a lavender blossom.
Mani_H.: Bumblebee's fur coat
Mani_H.: Bumblebee's deep sucking in the calyx
Mani_H.: After the rain a visitor appears
Mani_H.: Peacock butterfly in the sunlight
Mani_H.: Peacock butterfly in the sunlight
Mani_H.: Blow Fly / Meat Fly / Bluebottle (Calliphoridae)