Mandy Sastrous:
homely, sweet homely
Mandy Sastrous:
bedroom ice
Mandy Sastrous:
channeling miss jolie
Mandy Sastrous:
leather coat hanger
Mandy Sastrous:
Vanity Fare
Mandy Sastrous:
the whole nine backyards
Mandy Sastrous:
I've fallen and I can't get up.
Mandy Sastrous:
I'm sorry, is that shoulder too cold for you?
Mandy Sastrous:
Good times were had.
Mandy Sastrous:
Sugar, coated.
Mandy Sastrous:
Yeah, you!
Mandy Sastrous:
Who, me?
Mandy Sastrous:
skirting the issue
Mandy Sastrous:
she's got legs
Mandy Sastrous:
Public Trans Portation
Mandy Sastrous:
"Our bodies, ourselves."
Mandy Sastrous:
noblesse oblige
Mandy Sastrous:
sweet sixteen
Mandy Sastrous:
smoochie patootchie
Mandy Sastrous:
Mandy Sastrous:
Works for me
Mandy Sastrous:
So, what can you do for me?
Mandy Sastrous:
Hard Rock Caffeine
Mandy Sastrous:
Oh you and your camera again...
Mandy Sastrous:
Secretary of state
Mandy Sastrous:
(Being my own) Statue of liberty
Mandy Sastrous:
Mandy Sastrous:
Mandy Sastrous:
Mandy Sastrous:
The preacher's wife