mandeeep20b: Elephant Seals in Central California
mandeeep20b: Big Sur037
mandeeep20b: California Condor @ Big Sur
mandeeep20b: Pfieffer Beach
mandeeep20b: Pfieffer Beach
mandeeep20b: Pfieffer Beach
mandeeep20b: Pfieffer Beach
mandeeep20b: Shaanduncan2
mandeeep20b: LounginDuncan
mandeeep20b: Rexduncan
mandeeep20b: BoodaTheDog
mandeeep20b: Shaanduncan
mandeeep20b: duncan wants to go back in
mandeeep20b: duncan
mandeeep20b: running down the beach
mandeeep20b: looking out
mandeeep20b: duncan and dakota
mandeeep20b: playing fetch
mandeeep20b: J&J + Dakota&Coz
mandeeep20b: splashing around
mandeeep20b: Nice Tree
mandeeep20b: National gallery
mandeeep20b: Balboa Ferry
mandeeep20b: Sunset in Balboa
mandeeep20b: Ships' a sinkin'
mandeeep20b: so lazy
mandeeep20b: DC Postal Building
mandeeep20b: More Kites!
mandeeep20b: Kites Kites Kites