Made by BeaG:
NEW: US+UK+NL Crocheted HEART Pattern
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
`Please add note' if you see your Square Ladies! Thank you very much mandas' challenges and to everyone who has contributed Squares for this 'Snowman Challenge'
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
With thanks to Steph (Craftymizz) for designing and makikng the Blanket up.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Thanks to everyone that has sent in Squares for this very special Blanket. Please 'add note' if you see your Square!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
The Squares have co-ordinated beautifully!
graphic simple flowers
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
joyce28 (UK) Your Squares arrived today! Thank you so much! Gorgeous!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Yummy Cupcakes, what a delight!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Such wonderful squares Ladies! 'Please add note if you see your Square!'.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
The magazine were asking their readers to make Squares for 'maybe' our Charity! How wonderful is that! I'm so...pleased!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Kianie (UK) Card and Squares received today! Thank you so much!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Thanks to everyone that has contributed Squares for this Blanket.It's the first of the 'Tropical theme'. Please 'add note' if you see your Square!
Finished cushions and pincushions
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
ATheeC very kindly made these Squares for SIBOL! Aren't they lovely?
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
There we are, I thought I would share with you!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
I went for a Photo Shoot with Little Miss Twins (2)
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Ta - Dah!!! 'The Royal Wedding' Blanket! Thank you to everyone that has contributed Squares! Very much appreciated!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Out into the garden we go. My Ta - Dah ! SIBOL 54.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
I love this Black and White the best! SIBOL 50. 'Please add note if you see your Square!'
Hyperbolic Coral Reef
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Ta - Dah! SIBOL 49 'Black and White' theme 1/4. 'Licorice Dreams'.
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
SIBOL 46. 'Please add note' Ladies! Thank you all for the gorgeous Squares!
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Delivery Day! Thanks to everyone who has contributed their Squares for SIBOL! (I've replied to comments on here on my Blog thank you!)
MRS TWINS/SIBOL 'Sunshine International Blankets:
Ta - Dah! SIBOL No. 44 '4/4' 'Strawberry and Cream' Challenge. Please 'add note' Ladies. 'Strawberry Fields' Thanks Mandas' Challenges....>