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mamamarce: What a treat to discover that we'll soon have some new neighbors! The girls have watched the process of a mama bird building this nest from the first twig. Happy Mother's Day indeed!! #mothersday #mothernature #ouryard #TheLox #countrylife
mamamarce: Rockin' #AllTheColors for today's masterpiece #WOD crafted by my Sista @marybart2006 7 min Goat Work (attack your weakness) --2 min rest-- then 27 min #AMRAP of: 7 OHS (135/95) 7 Push Jerk (135/95) 7 Deadlift (185/135) 7 Mule Kicks Before time expires
mamamarce: Had to remind myself that if I eat the whole thing at once, it's no longer really a "snack" (fruit sugar is still sugar). These super sweet #apple chips from the #dehydrator will make a good breakfast topping or afternoon pick-me-up. #paleotreats #organic
mamamarce: How sunlight and a morning @romwod session makes me early #mobility session in with Yin-based #yoga is a great balance to #CrossFit and other #fitness activity. Namaste.
mamamarce: How sunlight and a morning @romwod session makes me early #mobility session in with Yin-based #yoga is a great balance to #CrossFit and other #fitness activity. Namaste.
mamamarce: So glad my firebreather buddy let me tag along on this #WOD. I gladly accept the butt whoopin it gave me. Thanks, Tommie! "300 Workout" For Time: 25 Pullups 50 Deadlifts (135/95) 50 Pushups 50 Box Jumps (24") 50 Floor Wipers (135/95) 50 Kettlebell Clean
mamamarce: Plenty of deposits in the Memory Bank this week. Returning to the grind with full hearts and big smiles.
mamamarce: QT with this cutie. We've had a really great time on the island. So grateful for what our path is providing! #gratitude #MyMr #islanders
mamamarce: Broadening their horizons... #daughters #travelbuddies #Bahamas
mamamarce: Here's to endless adventures to share... #travelbuddies #MyMr
mamamarce: WODaMania Family...Look what we're unwrapping just for YOU! Christmas Abbott is coming to WODaMania this Saturday, Feb. 7th at CrossFit Wild!! She's traveling throughout Florida this month offering her nutrition seminar, "The Body Review". Find out
mamamarce: I wish for each of you a place and a space where you feel you are Home.
mamamarce: Happy Hump Day! Get in on this #wodamania EARLY BIRD SPECIAL - The first 25 athletes to register will receive a FREE pair of TuffWraps wrist wraps. Registration is now OPEN!