ms.Tea: watching the light show
pure.sugar: sour cherry picking
pure.sugar: my family
pure.sugar: superfort building
pure.sugar: laura ::hearts:: avacado
pure.sugar: sweet little deer
ms.Tea: mums the word
pure.sugar: making a leaf pile
pure.sugar: noah & jake
pure.sugar: noah & jake
pure.sugar: brothers
pure.sugar: laura
pure.sugar: DSC_0100
pure.sugar: laura @ 5 months
pure.sugar: ready for the next project
pure.sugar: laura
~K~: The cake
pure.sugar: crochet pumpkin hat
The Suss-Man (Mike): I'm glad I don't have to clean his litter box.
pure.sugar: baby legwarmers
Gaston Batistini: The largest hot-air balloon gathering in the world, Chambley, France. So far today, more then 500.000 views and 7.500 Faves!
The Suss-Man (Mike): Norcross Carnival
peakpark: Banded Demoiselle." Calopteryx splendens "
Soggy6: dragon
Greg 50: Back to dragonflies :o)
Michael Skelton: "Wouldn't you like to come over here with me?"
beachwalker2007: irresistible