Zach Boumeester: Stella - bluetick coonhound
Jutta Bauer: 28/52 upside down
Jutta Bauer: 46/52 after all, he's still a retriever
dog ma: Sit!
Kirstyxo: His signature Pose
hippolyte photography: Ball player :: Prosper
Jutta Bauer: 45/52 attracted by the sun
kmmorgan1977: DSC_0548
dog ma: ♥♥♥
milikin: T-Rex... 9/52
aenee: 33-52 Hiding from the camera :) explored aug 22 # 45 :)
Zach Boumeester: Lost Sadie :(
manyfires: wrinkled faces all in a row
geewillikersjett: day two hundred and thirty three.
Cheap Photos: Who stares down who?
waltimar: cold
jmberman1: How Much Is That Doggie?
miss_n_arrow: After-Show Shots
Parag Giri: one monsoon afternoon when the sun peeked through….
Armidas ( ): Let me rest in Peace¡
neptune99: IMG_8041
Gomerama: Beanbag Love
Erik♂: Sjösandens Calvadoz "Kiwi"
nick_warde: Milky
nick_warde: Rough & Tumble
Lainey1: Peek-A-Boo!
The_Little_GSP: 522 Bailey about to grab the bumper 6-6