Libor Kubát: Rhinusa asellus
Bully's Pics - Hobbyfotografie: Evarcha arcuata Männchen
kawa.uso: Rule of Dog
Makromaus_Ahrweiler: Prosotas dubiosa
ingrid eulenfan: Winter im Leipziger Palmengarten
neusiedler: Am Rastplatz - At the Rest Stop
AndyLandgraf Makrofotografie: the eyes in the middel change the color..and something is moving in the head?!
AchimOWL: Kieferngespinstblattwespe (Acantholyda nemoralis)
Eddie The Bugman: Macro Equipment 2014 (Collembola setup) or "The Beast"
Eddie The Bugman: Sminthurinus minutus Adult 0.8mm
Eddie The Bugman: Dolycoris baccarum
Eddie The Bugman: Allacma fusca ♀ (= var. pustulata)
Eddie The Bugman: Counting The Days
Eddie The Bugman: Green On Green
Thomas Shahan: Female Striped Horse Fly (Tabanus lineola)