Deathexit12: You heard I was back on my bullshit? Maybe I'm just tired of YOUR shit. Let's shoot this summer and make it amazing. Message me.
Deathexit12: I suppose I heard you were coming back....
Deathexit12: It's all happening
Deathexit12: Notanofromme
Deathexit12: When I think of you.
Deathexit12: You never knew.
Deathexit12: MakeShift
Deathexit12: One Step, then another Step
Deathexit12: Falling Down Hard (for you)
Deathexit12: That's What You Get
Deathexit12: Be real. Be raw. Be you.
Deathexit12: How? To? Feel?
Deathexit12: Not my red. Not my grey.
Deathexit12: 7am my only friend
Deathexit12: Gotta lot to feel. Gotta lot to GO.
Deathexit12: Keep Me Hidden
Deathexit12: lidow_201721322538271
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Deathexit12: Just a Gone Girl, too.
Deathexit12: Oh hi winter.
Deathexit12: Baby, do better
Deathexit12: I Amo Te
Deathexit12: Glare on me.
Deathexit12: I wonder, is she beautiful?
Deathexit12: Hey it's almost cute fall hat time! #autumn #hat #girlswithglasses #midwesterngirl #selfie #Lidow #creative #photography
Deathexit12: Hearts in my hair! #hearts #photofun #shamelessselfie #foreshadowing #happy #thelittlethings #girlswithglasses
Deathexit12: Things we feel.