annekuolukito: IMGP5991
The Library of Congress: [Irish spinner and spinning wheel. County Galway, Ireland] (LOC)
MissMarnie: Tree trunk
MyRavelryFlickr: arosamundisgrowing
Mary-Heather: YIP August 16, 2009 (I mean, really)
Velma's World: 1 Sock Down, 1 To Go
hizknits: Sivia's inspiration: stick, lichen & moss, and left-behind handspun (Denny?) - the start of something good
Mary-Heather: just as you are, right now, today
Aerial Photography: Flock of sheep
cosmicpluto: Model Off
zeneedle margene: Fountain Pen Shawl
Mary-Heather: 365.126 (upgrade jump)
ToadyJoe: FluffingTheWig
sydneyamw: Golden Gate intensive 202
Sonya Philip: Gull prints
Mary-Heather: 365.39 (spent)
Sonya Philip: Spools
hizknits: Dog tired
Mary-Heather: 365.38 (lines)
kurki15: Tangled
kurki15: Devil's Tower 2
kurki15: Curlylocks
jenny check: DSCF2104
Sonya Philip: Seed pods
zeneedle margene: Double Pink Lily