mAi1227(on and off): The Famous Sensōji (浅草寺 aka. Asakusa Kannon Temple)
mAi1227(on and off): Musings on an Autumn day!
mAi1227(on and off): hello kitty! :p
mAi1227(on and off): girl in autumn costume!
mAi1227(on and off): Regret is looking back. Worry is looking forward. Hope is looking up!
mAi1227(on and off): The busy bee has no time for sorrow
mAi1227(on and off): clothes clip!
mAi1227(on and off): Where flowers bloom so does hope
mAi1227(on and off): Love is the flower you've got to let grow
mAi1227(on and off): Let us dance in the sun!!
mAi1227(on and off): If you pass by the color purple in a field and don't notice it, God gets real pissed off.
mAi1227(on and off): In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends
mAi1227(on and off): The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain!
mAi1227(on and off): "The force of Spring -
mAi1227(on and off): light has come!
mAi1227(on and off): Tomorrow Will Be A Bright New Day!!
mAi1227(on and off): tanpopo ( dandelion )
mAi1227(on and off): the beauty of cherry blossoms..
mAi1227(on and off): Nothing melts a heart like Valentines Day chocolates!