Dhansikhi: Chu kar az hameh heelate dar guzshat, Halal ast burdan bi-shamsheer dast. When all other ways of redress have failed It is righteous to pick up the sword. lines from the Zafarnama of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. #Dhansikhi www.dhansikhi.com
Premshree Pillai: Budapest
Premshree Pillai: Tori at Mazel Tov
Premshree Pillai: Budapest
Premshree Pillai: Espresso Embassy
Premshree Pillai: Budapest
Premshree Pillai: Budapest from Szent István Bazilika
Premshree Pillai: Budapest
Premshree Pillai: Lunch at Mák Bistro
Premshree Pillai: Lunch at Mák Bistro
Premshree Pillai: Lunch at Mák Bistro
Premshree Pillai: Lunch at Mák Bistro
Premshree Pillai: Lunch at Mák Bistro
Premshree Pillai: Budapest
Premshree Pillai: Hummus Bar on Nagymező utca
Premshree Pillai: Budapest
_Asmita_ [instagram : @therewinddiaries]: Life is meant for adventures ...💙
Premshree Pillai: Meghan made me dinner on my birthday
Premshree Pillai: DSCF8162
Premshree Pillai: ~1000 miles
MelindaChan ^..^: Ipod Train Station 怡保
MelindaChan ^..^: Malaysian Nynoya restaurant 娘惹餐廳
Trains Unlimited !!!: Palace On wheels - A Royal Experience
Premshree Pillai: homemade by nicole
~FreeBirD®~: Emotions of the city