¡CoIor!: And then there were two.
¡CoIor!: Tenorous BattleMech
¡CoIor!: ĐȐỘȠƎ
Malcolm Craig: Gun, Mobile, Anti-tank, L27 'Conway'
Mecharonn: Star Suit
¡CoIor!: Submarine Suit Mk. I
∠Eric The Red: Out of Sight
[MIXBRIX]: The Edge of Dusk and the Brink of War [Turmoil]
peggyjdb: I’m a firestarter
2007_Boy: mechs
pasukaru76: Dark Pegasus
{Stride: Road Rage XL
brick.spartan: Battle of Thermopylae
ZephyrChaos: Soren (Main)
Legohaulic: Walking Pillbox - 01
Multihawk: Nanoscale Forces
Captain Limabean: Ma.K Rentier
General JJ: Rhen Var
.TheBricks: MT-19G Armored Assault Vehicle
kwi-chang: LHB-ZT-002 SENGEN_05
kwi-chang: LHB-ZT-002 SENGEN_06
✠Andreas: At the Edge of the Future Main
LEGO DOU Moko: Golden Friends
Captain Limabean: Duckey-Wuckey
n7mereel: Star Wars The Force Unleashed - Fighting at the Front
George G -: LEGO Micro Helm's Deep
The Magic Tuba Pixie: Mobile Crane