magpiejay1: feeding frenzy...Great and Snowy Egrets
magpiejay1: Egrets trading places...( on arrow)
magpiejay1: GHO preening
magpiejay1: Immature Bald Eagle calling
magpiejay1: end of wharf destruction happened on 12/23/24
magpiejay1: Seabright Beach... SC municipal wharf debree removal
magpiejay1: Red -shouldered Hawk
magpiejay1: Red-shouldered
magpiejay1: mouth of the San Lorenzo
magpiejay1: Brown Pelicans (video)
magpiejay1: White-crowned Sparrow
magpiejay1: John Madden and Rich
magpiejay1: Brown Pelicans (video)
magpiejay1: GBH...Bird Island ...Pt. Lobos video
magpiejay1: Banana Slug (video)
magpiejay1: Townsends Warbler (video)
magpiejay1: Anna's Hummingbird (male)
magpiejay1: Anna's Hummingbird (male)
magpiejay1: Pt. Lobos..Bird Island
magpiejay1: Rich turns "80"
magpiejay1: Great Horned Owl
magpiejay1: Long Billed Curlew
magpiejay1: Golden Crowned Sparrow
magpiejay1: GHO grooming
magpiejay1: Brown Pelicans (video)
magpiejay1: Gray Squirrel
magpiejay1: Painted Tiger Moth
magpiejay1: Painted Tiger Moth
magpiejay1: very, very windy morning!!!