Bumbus: Eisbach surfer 2 (not photoshoped)
Ger Bosma: Red Deer
alcides OTA: On the Road
El Coleccionista de Instantes: El Macaca Sylvanus, (Barbary Apes).Monos de Gibraltar
Grace Alone: Assateague Island
Janne Merjovaara: "Dreamland canter"
b.four: flaques
Jeff S. PhotoArt at HDCanvas.ca: Long Exposure Experiment (384 seconds)
Steve Rowell Photography: Wonderful end to the day.
swaily ◘ Claudio Parente: - A T T R A Z I O N I ☼ P E R I C O L O S E - (the suspended death)
Carlos Del Pico (Carlitus91): Lycosa tarantula eating queen of Formica rufa
gillybooze ( David): Chromodoris kuniei ( nudibranch/sea slug) (in Explore)
Noel Molony: Uganda Munyono
Torsten Reuschling: She took the long way home
Len Radin: Clouds, Mist and Smoke over Alaska
Kim & Bing's Travel Photos: Sunset over The Chapel Bridge Lucern Switzerland
mel . li: AGUILA REAL
*Gitpix*: New life
Jack Pal: Fishing on Fraser Island
DeutzHumslet: Tren de la Araucania, Estacion Lautaro.
TOONMAN_blchin: Bali - Jimbaran Beach
presbi: Thudufushi, Maldives: Peaceful twilight
Michel Coutty: DSC_0367 Cable beach, Broome - Australia