V R-J: Ice
V R-J: 19th MoNovember
V R-J: Mesh
V R-J: Praia de As Catedrais
V R-J: 02/11
V R-J: Resistiré / Strong enough
V R-J: Shadows
V R-J: Fireworks
V R-J: Glass
photo.rambler: Singapore
photo.rambler: Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Fergal...: Dandelion
Manu Chacon: Granizada en Bogota
Dani_vr: Viviendo al límite
Stewart R: Street Photography
DB-Naturfotografie: Arctic wolf
Eric 5D Mark III: jousha tree and milky way
iregoteijeiro: Servetstraat
Anuska Trastoy, Foto & Vídeo: Bautizo Marina 2013
Dani_vr: La catedral del mar
Dani_vr: Gaviota en blanco y negro - Black and White seagull