Fabian Fortmann: Soild Sierpinski-Tetrahedron [4]
Sonyador6: Hexagon of Overlapping Circular Hexagons
ShengzeKing: DSC01351
Sonyador6: Dodecahedron of Edge Connected Decagon Rings
Sonyador6: Square Corner Weave
Jrcpalmetto: DSC_0375[1]
Dandrelin: Maze
Mathnetism: Rhombic Triacontahedron
Jaime Niño Bernal: Cubo truncado - Tomoko Fuse
Fabian Fortmann: Cube/Octahedron/Stella Octangula [2]
Boyd Edwards: Solid Sphere Square Face
AFKAN: Squares(5)
Mathnetism: MW Solid Tower I
Mathnetism: Flower
ShengzeKing: MagicCube2
RobinDeRouen: Sculpture
IslesPunkFan: Needle Tower
Mathnetism: Excavator
Mathnetism: Wreath/Torus
Sonyador6: Sphere
damocs: cube
Mathnetism: Layered Triangle Dodecahedron
Fabian Fortmann: Half-diagonal Cube
Mathnetism: Large Sphere
super symmetry: Super Snowflake
Beer Knuckles: Square Mandala
Mathnetism: Giant Truncated Dodecahedron Sphere
Dimitri Tishchenko: Penta Quadra Ring
Jimmo5842: 4 Way Joint Subunit