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albums of magis2016
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Ending Mass
Vigil Prayer with Mary
Reconciliation Liturgy
Pilgrimage to Jasna Góra / the last Magis circle
Mass with Fr. John Dardis SJ
Festival of nations
Worship night
Missioning Mass
Saturday Events
98 / Office
Best of Experiments
97 / Gabriel
96 / Marta
95 / Discovering God and oneself in Nature
94 / Volunteering in Tatra National Park
93 / "Do this in memory of me"
92 / (E)motion
91 / The Place of Bread, the Place of Peace
90 / The art brings people together
89 / Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful
88 / Give, and it will be given to you
87 / Make yourself - know yourself
86 / One family
85 / Whoever meets Jesus meets Judaism
84 / Monastic Fraternities Experiment
83 / Leadership
82 / Helping in art / Healing by art
81 / We need each other
80 / Jesus in districts
79 / Living Stones: Torun
78 / Being with the sick and disabled children
77 / Theatre workshop: 'Time'
76 / My spiritual journey
75 / Camino Polonia
74 / Pilgrimage Braniewo-Święta Lipka
73 / Angelos – icon painting and sacral singing workshops
72 / To search for God and to find Him in everything…
71 / Life on the waves
70 / God, Cycling and Relaxation
69 / Old home, new home, our home.
68 / Voice from the mountain
67 / Polish mish-mash
66 / This Ability or Disability?
65 / Duc in altum- set out into the deep
64 / Ignatian Ecogroupe
63 / Discovering icons
62 / The High Tatras XXL
61 / The footsteps of Tomas Munk, SJ
60 / Tour de Magis
57 / Live the Beatitudes
56 / Explorers of the Christian East
55 / Wooden churches - CERKVA
54 / What I do have I give to you
53 / Let me speak spirit and body
52 / To love means to serve
51 / Saint James trail
50 / Making children happy together with Ursuline Sisters
49 / Vocal cords at work
48 / Open Imagination – Open Heart
47 / Artistic spirit
46 / "And God saw that it was good" (Gn 1)
44 / How to survive in the mountains?
43 / Multiculture Team - Animaniak
42 / Dance embodied
41 / Everyday mercy
40 / Endowed with Mercy
39 / City game
38 / Prayer dance
37 / Choir "Strong in the Spirit"
36 / Exploration in the evangelization - dance and art
35 / The heart of Poland
34 / Gardening and maintenance works at the Majdanek Museum, Lublin
33 / Discovering unity in multiplicity
32 / Lublin’s own Camino
31 / The Choir Experience
30 / Pilgrim route of JOHN PAUL II
29 / Like clay in the hand of the potter
28 / Photo-pilgrimage
27 / Vineyard "Srebrna Góra"
26 / Time for Poland
25 / Icon: the Art of Evangelization
24 / To be is enough
23 / To go is enough
22 / In Search of Your Own Life Mission
21 / Finding God in the Movies – an Ignatian Film Retreat
20 / Never ending story
19 / Come on people! Open yourselves for elderly people
18 / Samaritan
17 / Schronisko brata Alberta/Parafia w Bytomiu (Social outreach programm)
16 / Close to others
15 / The spirituality of art, the art of spirituality: scrapbooking.
14 / #beNovice
13 / Bibliodrama as a form of spiritual journey
12 / On the road with Jesuits in Bohemia
11 / Experience the Bible through Action
10 / Monastic environmental experience
9 / Film Retreat
Worship Faces
8 / Living Stones
7 / "I will sing of your love and justice" (Ps.101)
6 / Reparation Laboratory: A Response of Love to the Heart of Mercy
5 / Sailing camp
4 / Meet God and yourself in silence
3 / Brda Kayak Camp
2 / Through the beauty of creation to its Creator
1 / My idea of angels
Warsaw Experiment leader meeting
Near East MAG+S participants weekend
Experiments Leaders meeting in Toruń
Meeting of Experiments Leaders in Wrocław
Workshops in Łódź
MAGIS Team P&R Training
JesWEB 2015
Website Promotion