Quizz...: feather
Quizz...: I'm a fan...
Quizz...: dance
Quizz...: rain watching
Quizz...: little bike with grand ambitions
rosiehardy: Sophia
rosiehardy: well don't just stand there taking pictures, get me a plaster!
rosiehardy: i really really like you
rosiehardy: same wall, different frames
rosiehardy: to the bones
rosiehardy: wrapped up in you
rosiehardy: I AM HOME
rosiehardy: sundown
crustydolphin: 266/CDSPY2 - {life isnt as colourful in black and white}
crustydolphin: 253/CDSPY2 - {she stepped carefully so as to not wake the fairies}
Ali K.: When the tears are not enough
Misteriddles: tears of a clown
Denis Collette...!!!: Crocodile Tears In My Wild River…!!!
Dylan Lim: Blue Skies Bring Tears
crustydolphin: 214/CDSPY2 - {silence is golden}
crustydolphin: 210/CDSPY2 - {protection}
crustydolphin: 205/CDSPY2 -{if she didnt hold on, she'd blow away}